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News from the Supremo Coffee Hunters

Junge Frau pflückt Kaffee Bohnen in Indien (Araku)

Nachhaltigkeitsrevolution Araku Valley

Junge Frau pflückt Kaffee Bohnen in Indien (Araku)

Nachhaltigkeitsrevolution Araku Valley

Wir sind wieder einen Schritt nach vorne in Sache Direct-Trade-Bio-Kaffees und arbeiten ab diesem Jahr in Indien nur noch mit Bio-Arabicas aus Araku! Wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren schon einig...

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Tütenfarbe = Geschmacksprofil

Bag Color = Flavor Profile

During recent years, we pondered a lot about the subject packaging and sustainability to make the first contact one has with our coffee not only more beautiful but also better in a holistic way. Fi...

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Finca Dona Elsa | Wie alles begann | Part 1

Finca Doña Elsa | How Everything Started | Part 1

Finally the time has come! A delivery of green coffee from Costa Rica has reached Kapellenstraße. It’s tiny in comparison to the deliveries we typically receive, but this time the excitement is p...

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Röster des Jahres

Röster des Jahres

Crema Magazin kürt "Röster des Jahres" Der „Röster des Jahres 2020“ ist die Supremo Rösterei aus Unterhaching. Sie überzeugte die Jury über einen längeren Zeitraum mit der Qualität der angeboten...

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Das Re-Glas® Projekt

The Re-Glas® Project

WHAT IS RE-GLAS? The Re-Glas is a new initiative of Supremo for Supremo customers, focussing on environment friendly and sustainable packaging and thereby reducing plastic use and waste. We realise...

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"Queen of Bean" | Die exklusivsten Kaffees des Planeten

"Queen of Bean" | The most exclusive coffees on the planet

Viewed neutrally, the question of the "best" coffee is and remains, of course, a question of personal taste. Experts agree on which is currently the most exclusive or spectacular coffee.

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Costa Rica – die Geschichte der Microlot Revolution

Costa Rica – The History of the Micro Lot Revolution

We’re sitting in a small, rickety plane from a Central American airline—our fifth flight on this trip, taking us from David in Panama to Costa Rica. Unfortunately, it’s another one of those extrem...

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