Bag Color = Flavor Profile
During recent years, we pondered a lot about the subject packaging and sustainability to make the first contact one has with our coffee not only more beautiful but also better in a holistic way. Finally, we succeeded and achieved the goal of a all around better and environment-friendly packaging! We created a concept that deals with the aspects that are most important to us:
- Flavor Cluster (the color of the bag tells you what's inside)
- CO2-neutral (a milestone that we finally achieved)
- Aluminum-free (better for the environment and for recycling)
- Resealable on the back side of the bag (this keeps the coffee fresh for longer)

This is the whole family of bags. Now let's get into what the colors mean…
Espresso – the Classic
Our dark bags are for classic espressos: Flavors of nuts and chocolate, very little to no acidity but full-bodied and a thick crema. Bags of this color contain blends of 90/10 (Arabica/Robusta) to 100% Robusta.
Arabica Blends
Our grey bags contain light to medium strength 100% Arabica blends: These coffees are perfectly suited for espresso and filter coffee. Flavor-wise there is a broad spectrum of nutty and chocolaty to extremely fruity. These bags are also suited as all rounders for the fully automatic coffee maker.
Filter Coffees
The cream-colored bags are for coffees of one origin: Flavor-wise, there are the classics – chocolatey-nutty, light and floral coffees, that are perfect for filter coffee or the french press. Besides the excellent flavor, traceability and transparency are our focus. These coffees are from select producers, who take great care when selecting varieties and growing the coffee. Because of that, we are able to communicate the varieties and often the producer (depending on the processes in the origin countries).
Single Origin Espresso
The bags in light blue are reserved for our Single Origin Espressos: A beautiful sweetness and sometimes an intense fruitiness. These coffees stem, as the name suggests, from one single producer or project. With careful agricultural methods and interesting processing as well as a perfected roast profile, we are able to provide a new collection of beautiful and modern espresso.
Fruity Fancy Microlots
Our rose-colored bags are for fruity Arabica Micro and Nano Lots: Here, we have got unusual Micro Lots for you – this is underlined by the light rose coloring. As is the case with the cream-colored bags, we are able to be very transparent. These coffees won us over by the bottom of the first cup which is fruit forward and clean. The flavor profile reaches from bergamot and mango to lime. These coffees are perfect for filter coffee, AeroPress and French Press.
Furthermore for the blends: the darker the labe, the stronger the coffee. For the single origin Arabica bags: Coffee from the same country share the same label color, this way it is easy to skim the website or the shelf in our Coffeeshop in Kapellenstraße 9 and gain an accurate first impression.
Have fun exploring!