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RX35 - Metric Precision Thread
Metrisches ISO Feingewinde DIN 13-2
This special combination of RX35 parts called RED CLIX, have been designed for the professional coffee expert in a competition situation. Both the axle and the grind grade dial have been equipped with an ultra fine precision thread. The main difference is the expanded click range for the same particle size range and the same brewing methodology. The click steps with RED CLIX are much finer, but at the same time, the click mechanism itself, is as solid and as stable as the standard version.
For example: if you currently use 25 clicks for your brewing methodology, with RED CLIX you now need 50 clicks. If you go up or down by 5 clicks with the standard version, with RED CLIX you now need 10 clicks. RED CLIX actually gives you an additional step between two standard clicks. This might be helpful, if you want to optimize extraction time for a particular lightly roasted specialty coffee espresso shot.
Important: Only use the special red-colored grind grade dial with this special RX35 axle. The extra fine precision thread on both axle and dial are very delicate and will get damaged if used with any other parts. Please make sure you do not mix Red Clix part with standard parts. Otherwise the RX35 parts will get damaged and can not be used any more
About Comandante
The best coffees in the world are produced with passion. From the small coffee tree to the harvest to the processing and roasting, everyone makes sure that you end up with the best result possible.
With the C40 Nitro Blade®, Comandante has developed a grinder that can get the best out of the coffees. With the Comandante, it is up to you to set the grinder perfectly for your coffees. From espresso to filter coffee to french press, everything is possible. The X25 Trailmaster® is also equipped with this burr set.
The C60 Baracuda® contains a burr set that is a lot bigger compared to the Nitro Blade® in the C40 grinders. Due to this, it grinds significantly faster. The burr set itself is made from the same tried and tested steel as the Nitro Blade® burr sets.
European Coffee Trip took a look behind the scenes at Comandante:
Scope Of Delivery
Technische Angaben
Für RED CLIX mit C60 Baracuda, C40 Nitro Blade, C40 Ironheart und X25
Korngrößenveränderung per Klick bzw. Horizontalverschiebung vom Partikel-Größen-Ziel (bimodale Normalverteilung) per Klick (typisch): 15 Mikrometer / 0,015 mm
Öffnungsveränderung per Klick im Schneiden-Nahbereich der Ausgangsverzahnung vom Mahlwerk, bei nahezu geschlossenem Mahlwerk (typisch): 5,5 Mikrometer / 0,0055 mm
Achtung: Nur original RED CLIX Teile benutzen und nicht in Kombination mit anderen Teilen verwenden, da sie sonst beschädigt werden und nicht mehr verwendet werden können.
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Equipment belongs to every hobby! Even if not absolutely necessary, a good scale or an attractive kettle just makes fun!